February 7, 2025

Madness Of Little Emma

The Future of Memory

How To Make Money With Your Computer – What Is The Ideal Multilevel Marketing Internet Business?

How to change the WWW into the $$$

Essential features of the ideal internet business are:

* A business that is free to join.

* A legitimate and established business which could be promoted easily and with no ongoing costs.

* A business which is based on an essential activity that people do every day.

* A business which does not require people to buy products they have never bought before.

* A business which gives something of value to others because it holds the seeds of an amazing future for its members.

* A business where people can become involved as little or as much as they can to suit their own lifestyles, and still reap some financial rewards.

After thirty years of working as a science teacher I needed a complete career change. So I retired early and made the decision to become an internet marketer and master the art of making money online.

Ever since I heard of the world wide web in the 1990s, my imagination was fired by the possibilities for reaching billions of people on Earth. My single-minded idealism could not be thwarted. This was indeed the future of the free world, for learning, trading and sharing experiences.

Over the years I also examined several marketing groups; many different types of health programs and products, skin care ranges, weight loss, cleaning products, clothes and the list goes on. I have imported large quantities of goods from China; silk wedding dresses, underwear, baby clothes and even 10,000 blue essential oil bottles!

Many companies promise amazingly lucrative rewards for joining their multilevel marketing systems. One can invest a lot of time and money to set up businesses which require a lot of time and energy to maintain. I find that there is no genuine satisfaction in selling overpriced products that people would not normally think of buying. The time and money invested is never worth the returns.

Now it is 2014. A shift in consciousness has occurred. Computers are part of our psyche.

Every one in my household has access to the internet. Each of my five grandchildren, has a tablet, computer or both, that will provide information on any topic and show how to obtain any imaginable product or service.

With the emergence of the internet, companies can offer a digitized version of their businesses.

Yes, there are many ways to run a legitimate business from home using the internet.

Yes, I know my computer can become my money tree, a wishing well, an infinite pool of money which could enable me to follow my dreams. The Holy Grail of modern living is now within reach because of this universal system of binary digits called the internet.

The Excalibur of the digital realm is what is needed to create a world where people can live the life that they love, while helping others to fulfill their dreams.

The quest was to have the ultimate enterprise where EVERYONE could profit.
A tall order, but I know it is possible.
I examined many online businesses and I would like to share with you what I have discovered.
Please click on the tab below to find out more.

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